Problems to be addressed by behavioural change

The single biggest problem is : Corruption
Second biggest is: Poverty
Third biggest: Tribalism
Fourth : Government and most public officials see their job as a way to enrich themselves and not to serve the community

Corruption is terrible – its endemic among government officials
Pay in the public sector is low so they top it up by demanding bribes.
Teachers pay is very low

Poverty: This causes people to take bribes. It causes potential rioters to accept money and riot etc etc.
It causes girls to go into prostitution.

Tribalism is slowly going – but only amongst the young – its endemic in society – jobs go to people in the same tribe as the boss.

Politicians encourage tribalism – they insist all their tribe votes for them.

Currently there is a major dispute between the government – Jubilee coalition and the opposition – CORD over the impartiality of the electoral commission. This is relevant as next year there is a presidential election and Cord says the commission is biased to Jubilee.
Every Monday May / June 2016 – Cord demonstrates – the way this works is that the leaders of CORD encourage so called supporters to demonstrate. Some say bribes are involved – money / beer / food etc

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