About Us
Kibera UK was set up in 2007 by Philip John Mills. Until 2013 Kibera UK actively sent gap year students to Kibera but more recently has become an information portal to give people intending to travel to Kibera as much data and advise as we can to help them and to keep them as safe as possible.
Much of the advice is based on Philip's own personal experience of travelling to Africa, and Kenya in particular, for nearly 30 years. Of course the situation in Kenya is pretty anxious, mainly from the Al Shabaab terrorist group as a result of Kenya's military intervention in Somalia. Travellers are therefore advised to monitor advice from the Foreign Office prior to visiting.
Regardless of terrorism or politics, the plight of the people of Kibera does not change. They are still there, still hungry and still struggling. So it may be less advisable to visit personally to assist, but much can still be done through indigenous organisations that are there on the ground . So if you care about these issues in Kibera, care about humanity and want to make a difference then please try and help by sponsoring a child or making a donation through any of the bona fide organisation that operate in Kibera
Thank you for your support